Customer Insights for
Strategic Decision-Making

When your team struggles with decision-making, differentiation, and making progress, it’s easy to feel stuck. We help you get unstuck by surfacing actionable insights about your customers that form the strategic vision for your product. With a strong understanding of your customers, you’ll achieve team alignment, reduce churn, and discover innovative product features that drive conversion and loyalty.

Our Approach

  • Strategic research planning: Working closely with your team, we craft a research approach to answer critical questions about your customers and product.
  • Actionable insights discovery: We uncover product-defining insights using methods from contextual and ethnographic research, to remote user research, to prototype testing.
  • UX & Innovation strategy: Synthesizing research findings, we create clear frameworks and strategy tools that set the direction for your product and define next steps for your team.
  • Cross-functional workshops: We help you engage your team and stakeholders in strategy and ideation workshops that build alignment and momentum.
  • New opportunity definition: Moving from insights to concepts, we help you identify, refine, and validate new ideas to create a roadmap that meets near-term and long-term goals.


Dive deeper into our thinking

Learn more about our approach to customer insights and how it can help you unlock new opportunities, differentiate your product, and align your team for success.

Discover the Right Customer Journey Map to Strengthen and Enhance Your Digital Product

Use a Customer Diary Study to Steer Your Product Roadmap

Tame the Design Chaos & Unify Your Team With These Simple Steps


Client success stories

See how our customer insights expertise has helped clients across industries identify new opportunities, define clear product visions, and bring innovative ideas to life.

How Customer Research Reframed the Jewelry Shopping Experience

Nara Baby Tracker
How Research with Parents Defined a New App & Ongoing Feature Development

How Research with Couples Informed a Simplified UX Approach to Wedding Planning Tools

What Our Clients Say

We’ve worked with Everyday since we started Zola, and they have the most talented design researchers and UX designers that I know. Their ability to analyze and synthesize a problem to deliver a thoughtful, user-centric design solution is invaluable. They are straight up awesome.”


Everyday Industries is my ride or die for digital design and research, and I’ll work with them on any and every company I’m involved with.”

Esther Park Hallam
Founder & CEO at Nara organics