iOS & Android Mobile
App Design

Designing a mobile app that engages users and drives business results is a complex challenge. Our expertise in mobile app design focuses on creating intuitive, visually appealing applications that address user needs and business objectives.

We combine user-centric design principles with platform-specific best practices to ensure your app not only looks great but also provides seamless functionality across iOS and Android devices. Our collaborative process takes your app from initial concept to final design, aiming to create a product that stands out in app stores and encourages user retention.

Our Approach

  • User-Centric Design Strategy: We begin by deeply understanding your users’ needs, behaviors, and preferences. This research forms the foundation for creating an app that resonates with your target audience and encourages long-term engagement.
  • Mobile UX Product Design: We create detailed, user-focused designs for your entire mobile product. This includes designing intuitive user flows,  clear interface layouts, and interactive elements that enhance the overall user experience.
  • Cross-Platform Optimization: Our designs maintain a consistent brand experience across iOS and Android while adhering to platform-specific best practices.
  • Brand Extension to Mobile UI: We thoughtfully translate your brand identity into mobile app UI, creating a visual design that not only captures your brand’s essence but also enhances usability within the constraints of mobile interfaces. This ensures a cohesive brand experience across all digital touch points.
  • Iterative Prototyping and Testing: We use rapid prototyping and  usability testing to refine our designs, ensuring that the final product meets both user needs and business objectives before development begins.


Dive deeper into our thinking

Explore our in-depth articles to learn more about our approach to app design and how it can help you create successful, user-friendly mobile experiences.

Using the SEEN Framework to Design Compelling iOS & Android Apps for Smart Products

3 Ways to Make Your Subscription Service’s iOS App a Must-Download

How to Design a Top-Notch UX for Smart Product Onboarding


Case studies

Discover how our mobile app designs have driven measurable improvements in user engagement and business outcomes.

UX shopper spectrums and scenarios lead to an engaging marketplace app design that encourages discovery

Nara Baby Tracker
A new app designed to track a baby’s activities has a strong stickiness ratio and retention metrics

A travel app UX redesign focused on planning and discovery provides more tools for travelers


Our Clients' Experience

Everyday Industries is my ride or die for digital design and research, and I’ll work with them on any and every company I’m involved with.”

Esther Park Hallam
Founder & CEO at Nara Organics

The Everyday team were our partners in design research & UX design. They helped us uncover customer insights that guided the design for our apps and web experiences.”

Xiaodi Zhang
Chief Product Officer at 1stdibs